PSRA Competitions:
- All competitions shot for TERMLY except the St George’s Shield (shot in the Summer term).
- All competitions open to pupils aged Under 14 at the time of shooting – except the Cadet Pairs competitions (Pardoe Cup & Mostyn House Cup) which are for pupils aged Under 12.
- All competitions shot “UNSUPPORTED” except the Hammond Cup.
- STICKERS are used for all competitions except the 50m – St George’s shield (shot at Bisley).
- Stickers should be placed on an aiming mark on the BACK of each target BEFORE SHOOTING commences.
- All targets scored by “Inward Gauging”.
- Tied winning scores to be split by graduated gauges.
.22 RIFLE.
St Patrick’s Shield:
- Teams of 6.
- Shot at either 20 or 25 yards.
- Shot on either 2005CS or 2505CS targets.
- Ten shots to count.
- Two shots on each diagram.
- St Hubert’s Trophy awarded to the “runners up” team.
- Lord Roberts Cup awarded to top 2nd viii.
Hammond Cup:
- This is for SUPPORTED shooters.
- Teams of 4.
- “Double points” stickers may be used for Schools with insufficient numbers to make up a full team of 4. Maximum of two stickers may be used. If more than one team is entered then stickers can only be used in the lowest team.
Pardoe Cup/ Cadet Pairs competition:
- For Under 12 shooters (on the day of firing)
- Teams of 2.
St George’s Shield: - Shot annually in the SUMMER TERM.
- Teams of 4.
- Shot at 50 metres or 50 yards.
- Shot on ISU 50m targets or 5002BM targets.
- Twenty shots to count.
St David’s Shield:
- Teams of 6.
- Shot at 10 metres.
- Shot on AIR 3/89 targets.
- Ten shots to count.
- Two shots on each diagram.
- Sawyer Cup awarded to the “runners up” team.
- Lord Roberts Bowl awarded to the top 2nd vi.
Geoffrey Place Trophy.
- This is a separate category within the main competition.
- Any team entering the St David’s Shield team is automatically entered into this.
- Teams are of 3 pupils.
Mostyn House Cup/Cadet Pairs cup.
- For Under 12 shooters (on the day of firing)
- Teams of 2.
St Andrew’s Shield:
- Teams of 4.
- Shot at 6 yards.
- Shot on AIR 4/89 targets.
- Ten shots to count.
- Each team member shoots TWO targets – with five shots on each card.
- An orthodox grip is used. This is to grip the pistol with one or both hands at arm’s length, with elbows clear of the body. No part of the hand should be in front of the trigger guard.
Termly deadlines for all Rifle and Air Rifle Competitions are as follows ..........
2nd March, 8th June and 23rd November.
For Pistol competitions the deadlines are 25th March, 10th July and 15th December.